Sunday, September 11, 2011

Draft: Student Discipline Action Research Plan


  1. Debbie, I am curious as to the demographics of your school and about the parent involvement. One thing you may want to add is not only to compare with state discipline, but to compare with other high schools with similar demographics.

  2. Debbie, Very helpful research topic for schools. Teachers and principals are always looking for way to cut down on classroom disruptions. When you mentioned incentives, I thought about maybe an award for the grade level with the least number of referrals. Maybe a competition between grade levels. As for as individually, maybe a behavior log for each class for the biggest offenders and an reward from school or parent at the end of the week with positive remarks from teachers. Just some thoughts.

  3. Debbie, I really like the idea of creating a rubric for consistency in recording your data. I suggested to someone else (

    studying discipline that if your campus breaks offences down into particular levels or categories, you may want to break your data down the same way to see if there is an effect in one area more so than another.
