Sunday, September 18, 2011

New Insights For Improvement Within My Action Research Project

When looking for improvements for revision in the action research project over student discipline, blog information from classmate’s suggestions have allowed me to gain insight of what may work for motivational factors to gain a positive change and how data could be organized to produce greater understanding of what may or may not be effective discipline motivators.
Jackie Postlethwait suggests creating competitiveness within the high school campus as a motivational factor. I love this idea, each grade level will compete to see who has the least amount of student referrals at the end of a semester, and the class with lowest referrals will be rewarded. However, to keep those students with outstanding behavioral status but in a disruptive class, I think there should be some kind of reward for these students. My site supervisor and I will be creating a combination of the two, to keep students from being discouraged because they have a class with students who really do not care if they receive incentives for good behavior.
Another suggestion I found helpful in revising my research project into an effective student discipline research project, was from Becky. She suggests breaking down offences into particular levels/categories to see if there is an effect in one area more than in another area. Categorizing student referral information will help bring insight to which individual is doing what and are problems reoccurring. This will allow my site supervisor and I to see if there is an underlying problem , viewing of individual folders and teacher interviewing may be need to gain further knowledge about habitual students.
Being able to interact with other Lamar students over the action research projects will be a tremendous help in creating an effective and efficient student discipline research project for my high school campus. Also, following projects similar to mine will allow me to gain insight of different strategies or suggestions to improve discipline across the campus will be very beneficial for all stakeholders while creating a positive morale for all.

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